"Juzt mei"

How will you know when you are in love with someone?
Through thousands of years the feeling of being ‘in love’ has been described as one of the most beautiful ever. A person ‘in love’ is optimistic, humane and most importantly has the ability to love a fellow human being. All through your life you may have many people. These people include parents, relatives, siblings, friends, etc. However, ‘in love’ is different than loving all those around you. Love is very difficult to describe. This subtle feeling may occur because of a single look, smell, words, appearance can change the way you feel about someone. Though most of the time it is the physical appearance that that plays a huge role in initially attracting someone to you. However, love is not just a physical attraction; it is as spiritual and emotional as physical. Therefore, if people do not vibe will with each other spiritually, physical attraction may wear off soon. When you are ‘in love’ you will feel a strong bond bet...